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June 21, 2020

Rev. Doretta Colburn 

 Standing on the Promise

An Arm Chair Sermon

Fathers' Day

Sunrise Tour

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:

                                                                    not only because I see it, 

                                                                                              but because by it I see everything else.”
― C.S. Lewis

Al Struck - Scriptures

Jane Morse - Music

George Wiese - Hymns


June 14, 2020

Rev. Doretta Colburn 

 It’s a Matter of Trust

An Arm Chair Sermon

Hiking Path

Stef Michaud - Scriptures

Jane Morse - Music

George Wiese - Hymns



June 7, 2020

Rev. Doretta Colburn 

Bold Witness

An Arm Chair Sermon

 "Our Lord’s conception of discipleship is not that we work for God, but that God works through us.”

Oswald Chambers


Jane Morse



George Wiese - Hymns


Go now in peace, never be afraid 

God will go with you each hour of ev’ry day

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true

Know God will guide you in all you do

Go now in love, and show you believe.

Reach out to others so all the world can see.

God will there watching from above.

Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Go Now in Peace
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